To the women in the washroom last night:
This is for anyone reading this that is feeling discouraged or heartbroken. I go out and about in the city for events often, and meeting new people and mingling is one of my favourite things. But today, I am feeling a bit disheartened about 2 separate women I met at 2 completely different spots last night. They both opened up to me about men in the brief 3 minutes I chatted with them while re-applying my lipstick. One said her boyfriend dumped her over text message, and she just saw all his friends in the bar and was worried he’d be there too. The other girl was upset because a guy she liked hadn’t texted her back.
As I sit at work trying to concentrate on the show, I worry about them. I really hope the first girl didn’t dedicate her night to finding her ex and allowing him to ruin her night out. I desperately pray the second girl didn’t get wasted and text her crush 100 times wondering where he was. But I have a feeling that’s not the case. And it makes me sad.
I can’t relate with them right now simply because the difference between us is I do not have someone who is ruining my life. But oh my goddess – I HAVE been there. Maybe they trusted me because I come off as a strong woman on-air, but I have not always been that way. When I was younger I was so crazy over a heartbreak that I pretended to accidentally text him just to see his name pop up on my phone. Pathetic. I’ve waited around hoping someone would love me again after cheating on me with multiple women. I’ve had ex boyfriends mothers reach out to tell me to stop wasting my time. That things will get easier. My own mother has had to knock down my bedroom door in the past and tell me to get the hell up and stop laying in bed depressed and crying and to move on with my life.
We love with our entire hearts, and sometimes it sucks. So much. But it’s going to happen. Maybe a few times. But TRUST me. Everything gets better with time. Do not wait around.
I wish I could activate my private messages to help encourage anyone who is feeling weak, but I deactivated it cause guys kept trying to send me unsolicited d pics. Let this be a reminder that ONE DAY you WILL meet someone who texts you back. Someone who would do everything for you except one thing: take you for granted.
Shout out to the women in the washroom: I hope you are stronger today than you were yesterday.