
Here’s what it sounds like when you’re watching a Total Solar Eclipse

Here’s what it sounds like when you’re watching a Total Solar Eclipse

Apr 17, 2024 | 10:43am
Last week my husband and I got to go to Fredericksberg Texas with his parents and brother to watch the Total Solar Eclipse! We spent the morning starring at the sky, wondering if the clouds the radar showed were going to disapate. There were a few breaks and in the four minutes of totality we […]
Where does the time go?

Where does the time go?

Mar 20, 2024 | 11:33am
Leave it to golden hour to let you know how clean your house is. With the beautiful Spring sun shining through the kitchen window I discovered it was pretty hazy looking out. I turned to the living room window and saw the same thing – these windows needed washed. Pronto! I said to my husband, […]
If It’s Boeing, I’m Not Going

If It’s Boeing, I’m Not Going

Mar 15, 2024 | 8:31am
The Boeing 737 Max planes have been making a name for themselves and not in a good way. After multiple emergency landings, a rolling off the runway incident and losing a door in the air – safety should be everyone’s main concern. If you have to book a trip soon – you can give yourself […]
Fresh Starts with the Better You Auction

Fresh Starts with the Better You Auction

Feb 22, 2024 | 12:02pm
This warm weather is giving so many Spring Vibes it’s making me want to start getting ready for the season change early. There’s the obvious things that come up in spring, I don’t know a more enjoyable time of year to clean than when you can have the windows open for the first time after […]